New Hampshire Hardball

Legion meeting tonight

A meeting to share ideas on how to improve the American Legion Baseball program in New Hampshire will be held tonight (7) on the second floor hall at Hudson Post 48 on Fulton St. in Hudson. Those invited to intend include:

  • All members of the New Hampshire Legion baseball committee.
  • All teams, coaches and legion commanders.
  • Anyone who is currently involved in the New Hampshire legion program.
  • All high school coaches and members of other baseball organizations who are interested.
  • Post representatives and other adults who are interested in forming a new team.

An emphasis will be placed on adding new teams at the Senior and Junior levels. Any Post that does not currently sponsor a team is encouraged to explore the possibility of adding a program.

The information that is heard at this meeting will be taken into consideration for the fall committee meeting, which will be held Nov. 11 at Post 48. Those who have items for the fall meeting agenda should make those items known at the Sept. 17 meeting.

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